Monday 28 August 2017

Dylan Moran - Work in Progress (Grumbling)

How can something so bad be so good?

We all know what to expect when a show is billed as a Work in Progress - the comedian will come on with pages of script and read from them a lot of the time, maybe even make some notes as they go along.  It will be funny in parts, less so in others, and the pace will vary.

Moran's show was a bit like that.  He walked on with a thick wad of A4.  He did attempt to read from them occasionally, but mostly succeeded in making the pile messier and never being able to find the bit he wanted.  All the time talking, either the bits he could remember, or whatever came into his head.  In the end he gave up the unequal battle with the increasingly tempestuous paper, decided he'd done enough, and walked off.

Yet it was hilarious.  Unendingly funny.  It's not supposed to work like this....

The young as advertising fodder, the pains of being middle aged, how your family control you, why Mike Pence looks like he's harming a rodent or two, and a couple of squirrels arguing on a bin in Brooklyn accents.  Dylan skips across his subject matter with mumbles and grumbles, a stream of nonsense that's kept alive by the surreal disconnects in his language with seemingly unrelated words slipping together like jam and cheese (I do like jam and cheese).

Was it a 'proper' show?  No.  Did I feel at all short changed?  No.  Moran could get laughs from the phone book.  Now I want to know what the finished show will be like....

This was the last performance of the run.

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