Wednesday 7 August 2019

The Kagools : Cirque du Kagool, Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose, Edinburgh Festival Fringe

The rainproof silent funsters are back, this time with a circusy theme, but still sticking to the format of their previous Fringe shows.  Which means lots of audience participation, lots of daft props, and the clever sequences using a projection screen.  The circus gets a ringmaster, from the audience of course, and the only voices we hear are of those press ganged from the stalls and given cards to read aloud.  Plenty of accompanying music too.

The 'acts' include the world's strongest woman, a cherating magician and a tale of love, marriage, birth and tragedy, played out in a slapstick couple of minutes.  And who wouldn't want to see a trampolining Nicola Sturgeon and Doris Johnson?  The Kagools are natural clowns, masters of physical comedy, and suitable for all ages.

I laughed, a lot, so mission accomplished on that score.  But there was also a nagging sense of deja vu.  If you've never seen the duo before you'll marvel at their inventiveness and natural talents, and it's an experience not to be missed.  But if, like me, you've seen some of their previous shows you'll find a sense of familiarity that suggests a staleness, a lack of moving on.

The Kagools are great fun, and there's nobody quite like them, but they might want to think about developing the act into new directions if they're to regain that sense of freshness that was such a big selling point.

The Kagools : Cirque du Kagool is on in Gilded Balloon Patter Hoose until 26 August.

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