Tuesday 20 August 2019

Soundhouse Presents : Three Times Five, Piandrome at The Pitt, Edinburgh Festival Fringe

The Soundhouse organisation, a driving force in providing quality, accessible live music in the city, had three quintets playing gigs in the Pianodrome as part of the 2019 Fringe.  So why not ask all three to do a short set each in one amazing all-star concert.  I've written reviews on all three bands in the past, so I will simply link to one each as the music remains the same.  It was the format that differed, with each band only having time for three or four numbers each.

First up were the Kinnaris Quintet who looked delighted to play to a round of pianos stacked with people, plus a few on any seat that was available, even what looked like a tennis umpire's chair!  They got things off to an energetic start, keeping the chat to a minimum and the music to the max.  Wonderful.

Kudos to the Pianodrome tech crew who effected such rapid turnarounds between each performance and had the next act, John Goldie and the High Plains on in five minutes.  Goldie's an amusing raconteur, but he too kept the talk short and to the point.  Another great set before the final band.  Moishe's Bagel are a highlight in any context and did not disappoint.  Fiddler Greg Lawson personified the intoxicating and international nature of their music, with a dazzling performance of virtuosity and passion.  The Bagel is not to be missed.

There are shows, Fringe and otherwise, at the Piandrome every day until 25 August.  Well worth making the trip out to Leith to have a look and take in the atmosphere.

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