Sunday 15 September 2024

Harun Musho'd : Why I Don't Talk to People About Terrorism, Pilgrim, PBH Free Fringe, Edinburgh Festival Fringe

 Good to visit a new (to us) Fringe venue, a very interesting looking bar just off the Cowgate, with the venue in a curtained off back room.  Great use of old suitcases in the bar.

Musho’d has an Arabic name, but triple nationality (and none of them are Iranian or Libyan…).  But he explains why not talking about terrorsim remains the best policy for him, and a lot about his highly dysfunctional and diversely multinational family.  

He has a civil service HR background, so maybe that’s why he enjoys ticking off lists for his audiences so much.  And very entertaining they can be.  It’s a cosy show that draws you in, despite lacking fluency at times.  There’s a lot of strong and imaginative material, making good use of his relationships with others.  And a Monty Python type rant thrown in which is excellent.

Very enjoyable.

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