Thursday 8 August 2024

The Adventures of the White Unicorn

 Heli Parna is Estonian.  Not many people know much about Estonia.  And you won’t get to learn a lot more about it from her show.  That’s OK, because she does cover subject  that are more within most people’s everyday experience.  Feminism, relationships, breakups, dating apps.  And what the White Unicorn means, so that’s OK.

There was Heli, and then there were five of us in the audience.  Not much for a comedian to feed off, so I initially worried that this could feel like a long show, with forced laughter required.  Yet it was a surprise when the fifty minutes was up, and it felt like she’d got to know us almost as well as we got to know her.  It’s maybe not the funniest show you’ll see, but it has some good laughs, and it is warm and friendly, fun and absorbing.  Plus where else are you going to see an Estonian stand-up?  Well worth a look.

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