Monday 22 July 2024

Mr Sipp, Spiegeltent, George Square, Edinburgh Jazz and Blues Festival

 Castro Coleman, aka Mr Sipp, back in the Spiegeltent for another powerful session of Mississippi Blues.  With backing from bass, keyboard and drums, Sipp launched into some classic blues songs.  Low on lyrics (and, sometimes, morality!), but high on muiscality and panache.  He doesn't talk a lot, but his comments are usually funny, occaisonally informative.  I usually feel a bit short changed by performers who don't give something of themselves in between numbers, explaing why this song or that tune made the set, becasuse that's the key to understanding their personality.  But Sipp is an exception - his performance IS his personality!  Part of which includes his walkabout through the audience (and in whoich he used me as a cushion at one point!) on an extended extemproised solo (he uses a wireless guitar pickup) to spread the love.

If there was a criticism it was the sense that the gig was back to front, and it would have been better to have the second half first and vice versa.  The later set included gospel ballads, gentler numbers, and audience participation.  While the first felt a lot roickier, and included that walkabout.  It also had an excellent solo from the drummer, which hinted at further solos to come from keys and bass - but nothing emerged.  

But if the only real fault I can find lies in the structure of the gig, well, I think it can still be amrked down as one of the best of the festival.  The singing is good, the playing excellent, and the vibes top notch.  Go see this guy.

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